Every successful homeschooler is probably tempted to say home education is the best way for every family. But the honest truth is that homeschooling has both pros and cons and may not be for everyone. Because homeschooling is a major lifestyle change for a family, it is good to take a realistic and critical look at the realties before jumping in.
Every family is different, so what may be a pro for one family may not apply to another family. Life circumstances may be different. Temperaments vary among families. Homeschooling is not a one-size-fits-all approach to education.Â
The decision to homeschool may end up being an easy one for you and your family. Or it may take a long period of discernment. Many families try it out, decide it’s not for them, and return to traditional schooling. The main take-away from a discussion about the decision to homeschool is that it is flexible, forgiving, and individualized to each family, sometimes to each student. Approach the decision in prayer and openness.
Pros of Homeschooling
- Greater educational freedom
- Direct role in your child’s education
- More effective and efficient learning
- Can incorporate your faith into learning
- Build strong family bonds and relationships
- Choice of the curriculum you will be using
- Religious freedom
- Able to accurately monitor your child’s progress
- Take vacations whenever you’d like
- Children are able to interact well with all ages
- Less peer pressure
- Instill your own worldview into your child’s learning
- Incorporate life experiences into learning
- Opportunities for social interaction with all ages
- Lots of real-life skill building
- Children can work at their own pace
- More safety than in public schools
- Special needs are more directly met
- Children can focus on their own interests
- Parents learn along with their children
- Control over social pressures
- An increase in self-motivation
- More time available for volunteering
- Reducing negative influences
- Lots of flexibility
- Can spend lots of time on college readiness
- Children gain a sense of maturity and independence
- Fewer instances of bullying
Cons of Homeschooling
- Parents need to spend time educating their children
- Less free time for parents
- One parent may need to forgo full-time work and income
- Some loss of income
- Smaller circle of friends
- Less access to the technology available in schools
- Need for tutoring in subject areas not familiar to parent
- Less structure than public school
- Less interaction with peers
- Questioning of your own success in homeschooling
- Fear of “falling behind”
- Cost of providing your own educational materials
- Need to spend time most days on homeschooling
- The criticism of others judging your homeschooling effort
- Effort needs to be made to have socialization opportunities
- Teaching style of parent and learning style of child may differ
- Less opportunity for educational competitions
- Extra effort needs to be made to get sports scholarships for college
- Need for recordkeeping and transcript creation
- Housekeeping can be challenging with everyone home every day
- More responsibility for the education of your children
- Social negativity surrounding homeschooling
So You've Made Your Decision to Homeschool! What's Next?
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