Catholic Homeschooling in Kansas
How to Homeschool in Kansas
It’s easy to homeschool in Kansas! In fact, your homeschool is considered a private school under the law. Follow these steps to comply with the regulations:
1. Register your private school
2. Assure that your children’s teachers are competent
3. Teach for the minimum number of required days
4. Plan and schedule your instructio
5. Test periodically
That’s it! There are no required subjects to be taught, no teacher qualifications, and no immunization requirements.Â
Kansas State Department of Education Home School Information
All homeschools in Kansas are classified as Non-Accredited Private Schools (NAPS). When a student transfers to a NAPS, the school previously attended must be notified by the parent/guardian. There are minimal registration requirements, and there is no “approval” process or review by the State Board of Education for a NAPS.Â
Kansas State Homeschool Statutes
How to Comply with Kansas’s Homeschool Law
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Kansas
Special Education Provisions for Kansas
The Importance of Recordkeeping in Kansas
Lobbying & Advocacy Organizations
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
HSLDA is the nation’s largest homeschool advocacy organization. They protect the rights of homeschoolers in court, advocate for homeschool freedom in state legislatures, and work to advance homeschooling in the public arena.Â
Christian Home Educators Confederation of Kansas (CHECK)
Christian Home Educators Confederation of Kansas (CHECK) is a Kansas state homeschool organization comprised of local support groups throughout the state of Kansas. Their mission is to further the interest of private home education in Kansas by providing accurate, helpful information, encouraging local support groups, and advocating for home education.Â
Midwest Parent Educators (MPE)
Midwest Parent Educators serve homeschoolers in the greater Kansas City metro area, including many from Wyandotte, Miami, and Douglas counties in Kansas and from counties in Kansas City, Missouri.Â
Kansas Home Educators
Kansas Home Educators exists to encourage, educate, and support homeschool families throughout the state of Kansas. They provide resources, workshops, testing, and an annual convention.Â
Catholic Homeschool Support Groups
Catholichs – Kansas City Area Catholic Homeschoolers
Kansas City, MO
This support group provides a means for Catholic families in the greater Kansas City area to offer support to each other as they encounter the joys and sacrifices involved in the home education of their children.Â
Familia Sancta
Topeka, KS
Familia Sancta is a Catholic homeschool group in Topeka, KS. Sharing activities and resources for Catholic homeschooling families.Â
Fiat Homeschool Ministry, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Wichita, KS
The Blessed Sacrament Homeschool Group embraces the stewardship way of life and seeks to serve homeschooling families with educational support and community. They offer fellowship for parents and children and cooperative efforts in activities of academic enrichment.Â
Holy Family Home Educators
Wichita, KS
Holy Family Home Educators is a Catholic support group for homeschooling families in Wichita, KS. They provide support with meetings, social events, service opportunities, field trips, co-ops, and more. Holy Family Home Educators of the Wichita KS AreaÂ
St. Monica’s Homeschooling Group
Overland Park, KS
This homeschool group serves Catholic families in the Overland Park area.Â
Kansas City, MO
St. Margaret of Scotland Homeschoolers is a community of families dedicated to supporting each other in educating their children and living a liturgical family life. Email Group
St. Philippine Duchesne Homeschool Group
Westwood, KS, Kansas City, KS
This homeschool group meets at the FSSP parish of St. Philippine Duchesne in Kansas City. They offer mothers’ meetings, feast day celebrations, and gatherings for families. Activities include prayer, talks by the priests, and social activities.
Catholic Homeschool Co-ops
Christ the King Academy Homeschool Co-op
Kansas City, MO
Christ the King Academy Homeschool Co-op provides a place for joyful Catholic fellowship and academic opportunity with like-minded homeschooling families. They offer group classes and activities to supplement and enrich their children’s education.Â
Fiat Homeschool Ministry, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Wichita, KS
The Blessed Sacrament Homeschool Group embraces the stewardship way of life and seeks to serve homeschooling families with educational support and community. They offer fellowship for parents and children and cooperative efforts in activities of academic enrichment.Â
Holy Family Home Educators
Wichita, KS
Holy Family Home Educators is a Catholic support group for homeschooling families in Wichita, KS. They provide support with meetings, social events, service opportunities, field trips, co-ops, and more. Holy Family Home Educators of the Wichita KS AreaÂ
Holy Family Home Educators Co-Op – Saints in the Making
Wichita, KS
Saints in the Making is a catechetical, cooperative program for all ages. It provides age-appropriate, Catholic-based learning and skill building in a positive social environment. Classes are offered September through May.Â
Do you know of any Catholic homeschool co-ops near you? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
Hybrid Programs & Homeschool Academies
Catholic Schoolhouse
Atchison, Topeka, Wichita, Wichita2, KS
Catholic Schoolhouse is a supplemental program designed to help homeschool families enrich their educational experience through a flexible approach to learning inspired by classical elements presented in a structure environment. They serve students in grades K-8 and meet once a week during the school year.
Regina Caeli Academy Kansas City
Overland Park, KS
Whether you have always homeschooled and are looking for extra support or your children have been in a traditional school, Regina Caeli Academy’s hybrid approach offers a formative, Socratic classroom experience for students in conjunction with a strong homeschool family life. Students attend in-person classes two days a week. On the remaining days, parents facilitate a provided curriculum at home.Â
St. Athanasius and St. Catherine Academy
Kansas City, MO
St. Catherine’s Academy partners with parents to offer a Christ-centered setting for learning through traditional methods. This hybrid homeschool program offers in-person school days with a traditional teacher/student classroom setting for two days a week. Students work full days at home on the other three days of the week to complete reading, writing, math, theology, science, Latin, and other assignments.Â
St. John Vianney School
Maple Hill, KS
St. John Vianney School offers instruction in Catholic religious and elementary education for grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. On campus classes are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the school year. The remainder of education time is spent in the home or family setting.Â
Do you know of any Catholic hybrid homeschool programs or homeschool academies near you? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
Catholic Homeschool Conferences
The 2024 Catholic Homeschool Conference
Virtual Conference
June 7-8, 2024
Rocky Mountain Catholic Home Educators Conference
Most Precious Blood, Denver, CO
July 12-13, 2024
This annual conference is independent and local, bringing in speakers from around the country. Featured speakers for 2023 include Maureen Wittmann of Homeschool Connections, Kerri Davison of Holy Heroes, Sara Masarik, and Ana Braga-Henebry. Conference attendees can browse through the vendors hall, go to workshops and talks, and network with other homeschoolers.
Kansas City Conference for Catholic Homeschoolers
Grandview, MO
Date TBA
This annual conference is offered to encourage homeschoolers in their vocations as Catholic home educators. Enjoy inspiring talks and presentations, a vendor hall with curriculum, books, and resources, and Mass, confession, and other devotions. Updates can be found on the Kansas City Catholic Homeschool Conference Facebook page.
Local Classes & Programs for Homeschoolers
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Kansas City, Wichita, Seneca, Overland Park, Leawood, Lawrence, Lenexa, Topeka, Shawnee, Prairie Village, Pittsburg, Ottawa, Eudora, Atchison, Lansing, Wamego, Viola, McPherson, Augusta, Derby, Kingman, Newton, Olathe, Mulvane, St. John, Andover
CGS is a program focusing on the contemplation and enjoyment of God. It is shared in a place particularly prepared for the religious life of children called the Atrium.
Archdiocese of Kansas City Scouting
Scouting builds character and fosters devotion to God in a wholesome and fun environment, under the guidance of strong adult role models. Scouting is an excellent way to help Catholic youth to do their duty to God and country, and become actively involved in the life of their parish.
Catholic Committee on Scouting, Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS
National Committee on Scouting, Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS
ArchKCK is the Catholic Youth Ministry Through Scouting group in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.Â
Catholic Committee on Scouting, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO
The Catholic Committee on Scouting provides youth ministry in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph by promoting the programs and activities of the Boy Scouts of America. These build character and teach devotion to God. The Scouting program is supported by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Our diocese is served by two committees: The committee in Kansas City serves youth of the Heart of America and Ozark Trails Councils in Missouri. The committee in St. Joseph serves Catholic youth of the Pony Express Council in Missouri.
Catholic Committee on Scouting, Diocese of Wichita, KS
National Committee on Scouting, Diocese of Wichita, KS
The Diocese of Wichita Catholic Committee on Scouting facilitates and assists all Catholic youth in Greater Wichita are with earning religious awards regardless of the group or organization (Scouts BSA, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls, Little Flowers, and Blue Knights).Â
Catholic Committee on Scouting, Diocese of Dodge City, KS
Catholic Committee on Scouting, Diocese of Salina, KS
Church of the Magdalen Scouting (Cub and Boy Scouts)
Wichita, KS
Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are offered as year round programs, meeting twice a month. Scouting at Magdalen is a family activity with parents working alongside their scouts to complete adventures and advance ranks.Â
Quivira Council BSA Catholic Scouting
Wichita, KS
Quivira Council BSA Catholic Scouting provides youth in Central Kansas with resources and opportunities (activities, awards, and outings) to help grow in their Catholic faith through Scouting and to grow in Scouting through their Catholic faith.Â
American Heritage Girls, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Wichita, KS
AHG is a Christ-centered scouting program for girls ages 5-18 that embraces Catholic moral standards, personal integrity, and good citizenship. Program includes service projects, fun social activities, and camping/outdoor events. Girls can complete badges and pins.Â
American Heritage Girls, Holy Trinity Catholic Parish
Lenexa, KS
Amercian Heritage Girls is a nonprofit Christ-centered development program dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. The organization offers badge programs, service projects, girl leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences to all members. it also broadens girls’ developments through extra-curricular activities.Â
Do you know of any great local classes or programs for Catholic homeschoolers? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
Sports for Homeschoolers
Public School Access for Homeschoolers in Kansas
Kansas does not have a law granting homeschooled students the right to participate in public school classes and activities. Thus, the individual schools and school districts have the authority to decide whether to allow homeschooler participation. Policies often vary from district to district.Â
Northeast Kansas Saints Homeschool Athletics
TNEK Saints is a Christian sports program for homeschool families in northeast Kansas (not exclusively Catholic). They provide opportunities for homeschool students to participate in athletics, with teams for high school and junior high school students.Â
 KC Metro Academy Mavericks
The KC Metro Academy Mavericks provides an opportunity for competitive sports in a Christian atmosphere for home educated athletes in the Kansas City metro area. They participate in athletic competitions against public and private schools and home-educated groups in and around the Kansas City Metro area.Â
Do you know of any great sports programs for Catholic homeschoolers? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
Shrines & Pilgrimages in Kansas
Father Kapaun’s Tomb, Catheral of the Immaculate Conception
Wichita, KS
Father Kapaun’s mortal remains were brought home to Kansas at the end of September 2021 and given a resting place in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Wichita. Guests are able to visit Father Kapaun’s tomb and pay respects during open hours, and groups are able to schedule visits and tours. Visits are available Mondays through Saturdays, except Wednesdays. Highlights include a number of Fr. Kapaun’s personal effects, including the hand-carved POW cross and his Mass items.Â
Father Kapaun’s Childhood Museum
Pilsen, KS
St. John Nepomucene Church in Pilsen, Kansas is where Emil Kapaun’s faith was first formed. It’s also where he served the first years of his priesthood. Located in the old rectory where Father Kapaun, lived, the Chaplain Kapaun Museum and St. John Nepomucene are located about an hour and 15 minute drive north from Wichita. Tours include the life of Father Kapaun, artifacts, miracles, the church’s statues and cemetery, and videos of Father Kapaun. Group tours are available.
The Basilica of St. Fidelis, The Cathedral of the Plains
Victoria, KS
The church received its nickname from William Jennings Bryan when he visited in 1912. It is a minor basilica and thus displays a tintinnabulum (bell) and an ombrellino (umbrella) in the sanctuary as connections to Rome and the pope. It is on the National Register of Historic Places and is considered one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas. The church is open every day of the year during daylight hours. Tours are available by appointment.Â
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Memorial Park and Shrine
Mound City, KS
This shrine is located within Sacred Heart parish in Mound City and is a memorial to St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. There are beautiful stained glass windows that depict the life and ministry of St. Rose, plus a marble sanctuary, statue of St. Rose, art murals, and Stations of the Cross panels. Seven crosses mark the graves of over 600 Indian Catholics who lived and are buried at the site.Â
Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine
Kansas City, MO
This shrine features four stained glass windows that depict the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to St. Juan Diego on a hill in Tepeyac, Mexico. This shrine represents the struggle of the Mexican people coming to this country and their devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe.Â
Do you know of any Catholic pilgrimage sites or shrines that would be perfect for a homeschool field trip? Let us know by filling out our Resource Submission Form, and we’ll add it here.Â
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